"A White Man's Journey Into Black History"®

"A White Man's Journey Into Black History"®

"A White Man's Journey Into Black History"®

BACKGROUND: Joel Freeman is originally from Canada. In 1997 Dr. Joel Freeman co-authored the book, Return To Glory: The Powerful Stirring of the Black Man, with Don Griffin. This well- documented, reader-friendly book, endorsed by the likes of Bill Cosby, Julius Erving, Ben Carson, Joe Frazier, Tony Campolo and many others, has been enthusiastically received by many readers around the world. Truth-centric. (The film version is available -- view video clip below...)

This uniquely powerful presentation can be customized for any organization, including faith-based organizations. Not so much Afrocentric or Eurocentric. Truthcentric. Rave reviews. In August 2002 over 100 Kings and Queens of Africa attended a Pan African Conference in Benin, West Africa. Dr. Freeman participated in this event and is currently making a film about the past, present and future of African Kingdoms.

The top-of-mind question with most is "What would ever motivate a White man from Canada to be interested in Black History?" Click here to review Dr. Freeman's written response.

Alternative titles for this presentation: 
   i.    "One Man's Journey Into Black History" 
   ii.  " A Truthful Journey Into Black History" 
   iii. " The Powerful Stirring of the Black Man" 
   iv.  Any other ideas? It's your call...

Another topic is mentioned below: "Blades of Grass in a Concrete Jungle."

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