


Return to Glory -- See what it take to make a film out of a book endorsed by Bill Cosby, Julius Erving, Ben Carson and others. View a huge Ancient Egyptian Photo Gallery -- 230 Photos!

"Night At Earth" Image -- Want to own a museum-quality image for your office or residence? They also have wonderful sets of "All-Occasion" cards with this image on the front.

Nigerian Fraud / #419 "Scam Central" -- Viable strategies and options for dealing with all those West African $Million scam emails.

Power Save 1200 -- Incredible money-saving technology for your home.

Badagry, Nigeria -- Their part in the history of the Atlantic Slave Trade.

Online Diversity Course -- Free Preview! -- Diversity: The Value of Mutual Respect

Half Price Vinyl Advertising Banners -- Great place to create your own vinyl advertising banners -- huge or small. Best pricing we could find on the Internet!

Own a full-size,
3D replica of the
famous Rosetta Stone

Yahoo!SnapDogpileExciteHotbotWebcrawler,   AltaVistaNetscapeLycosLookSmartEinetWylieInfoseekMamma,   Monster, NorthernLight,   GoogleGoToDirectHitAskJeevesIcqitZDnetGo2netAllinOne,  iwon.comLinkmaster, Epilot, AllTheSites, CrossDaily, Kanoodle -- Just some of the best Search Engines out there.

Drudge Report -- Many local/world news links and lots of alternative news -- before it hits the front page of your local newspaper. He occasionally scoops the big boys.

Preview an Online Diversity Course
->> FREE <<-

Multi Web Concepts -- The absolute cheapest and best place to order a new domain name, web hosting, etc.. Highly recommended! Check out domain name registrations with a net, com, org, or an edu. Sorry, is already taken.

The Freeman Institute Foundation -- Developing a Black History Museum in DC, with BCF Galleries in every major American city and selected cities internationally.

Smoke Escape Hoods -- Permits up to 20 minutes to escape a fire. Laboratory Tested. One Size Fits All. Easy To Use. NEW!

The Freeman Institute Black History Collection -- Just as it says...

In Case of Wallet Theft -- What to do if your wallet is stolen. Practical advice.

Seven designs for the replacement of the World Trade Center buildings in NYC.

Online Travel -- Orbitz (Best site!), TravelocitySideStepExpedia

FBI check site -- You can check to see if the FBI has (or ever has had) a file on you. We were surprised to see that there was a file on each of TFI staff. Suggest not using your SS#, though. Just check the "all states" block. We are doubtful that the site will be up much longer. Makes one wonder how they can gather such data and compile such records!

Check out the Cultural Diversity Links -- Native American Indians,  Latinos / Chicanos / Hispanics,  Asians and Asian Americans,  African Americans, European Americans,  Multiracial and Inter-racial

Humanahaba -- David Freeman's (Dr. Freeman's oldest son) web site

Movie Mistakes: You've heard about movie magic. Well, you are about to have your illusions punctured as you discover the most mistake-filled movies. Perhaps you will even want to add your own observations.

Dr. Freeman's Latest Book

Musical Mystery Tour -- "The Ants Are My Friends" - is a mondegreen for "the answer, my friends, is blowin' in the wind." Some garbled lyrics beat the real ones... check out these funny sites: kissthisguythechicagoloop, amiright, and journey-on

Time is on The Move -- Let me make this crystal clear. At face value, the hands of time are very clever and worth looking at during the next few seconds of your life. Watch out, they move!

Earth at Night -- Image is panoramic view of world from new space station. Scroll East-West / North-South.

Sunset From Space -- Panoramic view of Africa and Europe from the last Columbia flight.

Urban Connect -- A database/directory of the urban, African American community.

Deathwatch -- Projects when struggling dot-coms will expire. Either laugh or cry over your lost investments.

3-D Chromatek Technology -- These are the guys who inspired the 3-D on The Freeman Institute's web site. (Great idea to create hits on your web site: Target mail 100s of specialty printed "Your-Brand" opera-style 3-D glasses to promote your 3-D enhanced site.)

Spinner -- Virtually commercial-free music over the Internet -- whatever your mood.

Yahoo Finances -- Type in any company's stock symbol for the "within-20-minutes" performance of that stock.

Washington, DC -- Great search engine for anything you need to know about DC.

Ancient/Classical History -- Guide to all kinds of ancient history.

Funny Morphing -- Click on the faces and drag your mouse to warp. A good 2 minute diversion.

"Rate Your Risk" Test -- Are you an easy prey for burglary, kidnapping, murder or rape? Over 500,000 have already taken this test.

Best Airfares Out There -- Check out the "snooze you lose" deals every week.

ScambustersUrban Legends -- Avoid getting ripped off by Internet scams, fraud, misinformation and hype.

Conan O'Brien -- Guaranteed to make you laugh. I generally like his type of humor, except I am not allowed to stay up that late. -- A valuable satellite directory and information resource.

EbayUsauctions,  Bnauctions,  Auctionaddict,  Boxlot,   AuctionwareBidwizardCityauction, HaggleUauction,  Localauctiononline,    -- Some of the best online auction sites.

Family Businesses -- Deals with the specialized challenges confronting the many family-owned businesses.

Order This Book, Audio Book and/or Film

Kelley Blue Book Car Values -- Buying or selling a car? They serve up over 10 million free new/used car value reports a month! Impressive.

Barbados -- Paradise on earth? Pretty darn close. TFI staff loves this place.

Polling Reports -- An independent, nonpartisan resource on important trends in American public opinion -- politics, business and society.

Site Analyzer -- Why pay to check out the status of your web site? Type in your URL and see where it stands with seven of the top search engines.

Search For Celeb Graves -- "Find a Grave" helps you locate the cemeteries in which the noteworthy are buried. Hey, don't forget to bring flowers.

Life's Little Instruction Book -- Send e-postcards with pithy sayings like, "Wear audacious underwear under the most solemn business attire", "Don't postpone joy", or any of the others selected for special occasions.

Internet Movie Database -- Want a quick reference to over 160,000 movie reviews before plunking down all that money this next weekend?

Best of Baltimore -- If you happen to live in the Baltimore area or are planning to visit, this is a great site to find a restaurant, new furniture, or whatever else you might be looking for.

Blackseek, EverythingBlack, Blackindex, Nubiansoul, TheAfrican -- Five excellent African American Search Engines.

The Freeman Institute
Black History Collection

Satellite Pictures -- Get an aerial space shot of your own back yard, place of business or favorite vacation spot. Very engaging.

The Visual Tourist -- Culture? Business? Hotels? Anything and everything you ever wanted to know about international travel.

Fast Company -- One of the best reality-based business magazines out there. It's actually a movement.

Find Anybody Anywhere -- Just as it says. Kinda scary, isn't it?

Web Pages That Suck -- Seriously funny and discerning. Best for improving your site's look and feel.

Hondo the Magician -- Experience the believable card trick he plays on you. He almost got about you?

Run a Call Center of Any Size -- If you know or want to know what a call center is, check out this one-stop information resource center. Besides, this is my brother-in-law's site & when it comes to Call Centers, he's one of the best.

Wired -- Top news about the Net. The best. Period.

C.S. Lewis -- One of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century.

How To Beat a Speeding Ticket -- Lead foot, huh?

Self Help -- Common sense ideas to reduce stress and depression, improve relationships, etc.

WWN Bizarre Gallery  -- Weird. A bunch of "doctored" photos? Judge for yourself. Just plain weird, but kinda funny.

Lilypons -- The best one-stop-shopping place for building a water garden or pond in your back yard.

Ancient Wisdom -- Great place to discover answers to life's timeless questions.

Energy and Science Projects -- Great science fair project ideas. If you have kids, this will save  you some "brain damage".

Play Games for Free -- Too good to be true. Great time-waster.

Tune up Your Web Site -- Interested in any aspect of web design or promotion?

The Real Mt. Sinai? -- Adventurer, Bob Cornuke, claims to have found its real location in Saudi Arabia. Make up your own mind.

Generic Legal Questions Answered -- Get free already-prepared legal opinions about some important issues. Very interesting.

Sports World -- Fourteen retired NBA and NFL pros travel around the country to schools communicating the wisdom they have learned with a positive "anti-drug-finish-school-you-are-the- best-one-of-you-in-the-world" message.

Burnout Inventory -- Job or the craziness of life getting the best of you? The test to find out takes no more than 10 minutes and explains the results. You can also link with the "Test Junkie" and really blow your mind.

Kaplan Mindgame -- Concerned that your use of the English language isn't, like, stellar? Created by the Kaplan test preparation folks, this is a vocabulary flashcard test that promises to pump up your word power.

Keyboard Test -- This free, five-minute test measures your typing skills and gives your words-per-minute score. If you learned under the H&P (Hunt & Peck) System, you will be left with, well, a sense of despair.

Relationship Satisfaction Test -- By evaluating various ways you interact in your relationships, this non-judgmental, 15-minute test ferrets out behavior patterns that are generally unhealthy for couples or for individuals. It promises that "you can use the indicators of what areas in your relationship may benefit from some reflection and working-on."

Franklin Tennessee Business List
Historical Timelines -- Start with King David and Solomon. Check out Alexander the Great, Constantine, Napoleon Bonaparte and others as you follow the timeline chart. Very engaging and educational.

For Writers Only -- This is the one-stop spot especially for professional writers. What do you need? Thesaurus? Quotations? Hacker's dictionary? Grammar and style guides? Encyclopedia? Whatever. Go ahead -- try to exhaust this incredible resource.

SIkidsNickelodeonBonus -- Cybermoms and Cyberangels rated these as the top three safest & funnest sites for kids.

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