A number of organizations have utilized Dr. Freeman's services as a Critical Incident Debriefing / Emotional Intelligence / Anger Management / Stress Management Coach. This extremely successful, proprietary process is viewed as an investment in senior executives, managers and key employees/associates.
Dr. Freeman also works with pro athletes, CEOs, musicians, entertainers and other high-profile individuals.
For 20 seasons Dr. Freeman served in player development as mentor/chaplain to the NBA Washington Bullets/Wizards (1978-98). During that time he worked (and still does) with a lot of professional athletes behind the scenes. He learned that it takes a big ego (the word is used in the most positive light) to play at the pro level. Perhaps we can substitute the word "confidence" for "ego."
CEOs and other senior executives are similar to professional athletes in many ways. It takes a lot of confidence to play and work at their respective levels.
Joel A. Freeman
The reasons for investing in a valued key employee may vary. Most organizations that introduce an employee to this process are sending the positive message -- "We value you. We want things to work out so that you can be the best at what you do...for a long time." In some situations, this process may be viewed as a last-ditch effort to salvage a stellar career that has been interrupted by any of the following:
outburst(s) of rage (throwing things, loud talking, etc.)
sexually-inappropriate gesture(s) or comment(s)
racist or prejudicial remark(s)
stress -- causing reduction in performance
personal grief -- causing a lack of performance
threats of workplace violence
domestic situations impacting work performance
coping with the threat of divorce/separation
"T.H.T.M." -- (Ten Hour Three Month) Process
Dr. Freeman specializes in situations that may be referred to as CID -- "Critical Incident Debriefings". I like to call it "Confidential Incident Debriefing." The reason why they are viewed as "critical" is because something verifiable has happened (or a series of incidents) causing strain with the internal/external relationships around the organization, perhaps resulting in the lowering of morale and productivity.
In some cases there is the reality of a lawsuit (or threat of such) because of a recent critical incident or two. In other cases this program is viewed as more of a "preventative maintenance" measure. Dr. Freeman is skilled at customizing the T.H.T.M. Process so that it fits for each situation, whether a person comes voluntarily or is court-appointed. Strong feelings of resistance to engaging in a CID process like this is quite normal for many clients -- especially when told to do so. Joel is comfortable coaching clients who may feel that the allegations are unjust.
Freeman specializes in working with high-energy, high profile, "Type-A" individuals who are looking for absolute confidentiality. A seasoned veteran, Dr. Freeman is a State-certified professional counselor, prolific author and world traveler (55+ countries). He is multiculturally astute.
Dr. Freeman is virtually unshockable -- having coached a number of professional athletes, politicians, high-powered CEOs and other senior executives over the years. Joel views each person with utmost respect and dignity, regardless the situation.
Dr. Freeman states, "It is hard for me to put into words how I do what I do, but somehow, because of the years of training and experience, I am able to relate to skilled and high-net-worth individuals who function at impressive levels of excellence in their careers. The chemistry that begins with the face-to-face meeting helps. But also I am able to bring in sound advice that executives or athletes respect...and then begin to see results as they implement that advice.
"Emotional pain is the greatest change agent in anyone. When emotional pain outweighs the pleasure of any situation, the possibility for heart and behavior change is right around the corner.
No one wants to change more than the person who is dealing with rage/stress issues. Once they experience the initial positive changes, hope begins to bloom within and then we build, incrementally, upon that hope.
"Denial is part of the challenge, but I have certain techniques I use early on in the T.H.T.M. Process designed to gently challenge denial, blindness to negative behavior, or outright justification of negative behavior."
A one-day seminar dealing with anger management or stress management doesn't begin to touch the deep-rooted issues generally associated with events surrounding the need for this unique CID process. It is easy to mask the contributing issues for 6 hours and get a certificate for attendance. The organization's legal and/or EEO box is checked...but generally the authentic transformation box remains unchecked.
That's why Dr. Freeman developed the T.H.T.M. (Ten-Hour Three-Month) Process. He wanted something that would blend a longer period of time mixed with the immersion in practical principles that provide tools and skills for anger management.
The time element is necessary, because the "flight into health," passive and/or aggressive resistance and other human defense mechanisms need to be smoked out in the first few weeks before the skills and tools can work in an authentic manner.
An additional tool we can use is the customized online 360 Feedback instrument. This is designed to help provide a more complete understanding of the strengths and vulnerabilities of the one being coached. The data that emerges will give a more complete foundation for the entire coaching process.
This process may be viewed as an effort to make someone more "promotable" -- taking an "A" rated employee and making him or her "A+". Or developing the interpersonal skills of a technically competent key employee.
If you are an HR person viewing this option for some key employees in your organization, let's discuss ideas on how to roll out a program so that will be viewed as a positive benefit. If done right, this program can cause employees to clamor to be a part of it, rather than be viewed as the dog with fleas -- "What's wrong with him/her?"
-- (Dr. Freeman's cell: 410.991.9718).
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It will enhance his/her personal leadership skills, abilities and understanding.
It provides a gentle accountability for personal growth.
It will provide new, fresh direction -- objectivity.
It will enhance his/her promotion potential
The following T.H.T.M. CID Program is an effective two and a half month, ten-hour personalized process that has worked well for many satisfied key employees:
First two hours --
Dr. Freeman meets with the key employee in the Baltimore/Washington region or there are special travel arrangements made. This personal meeting helps to establish rapport, understanding and earning mutual respect. The presenting issues are discussed.
Well over fifteen hundred dollars worth of profiles, inventories and tests are administered and interpreted, along with the development of an action plan. Everything discussed is held in strict confidentiality. Confidentiality is central to the success of this CID program. No evaluation or assessment is given to the Human Resources Department except at the client's request. The only paperwork between Dr. Freeman and the organization is a letter indicating the start and finish dates of the process. The proof of success is exhibited behaviorally over time. (read letter of endorsement below)
Anger Inventory, Personality Profile, Conflict Resolution Profile, Stress Management Inventory
Depending upon the situation, the key employee travels to the Baltimore/Washington region (BWI Airport) for the initial consultation. This trip is invaluable, as it provides time for anyone in denial to reflect upon the seriousness of the situation. On rare occasions Dr. Freeman will travel to meet with the key employee (costs extra). Many organizations have a bricks and mortar presence in the Baltimore/Washington, DC region that can be utilized for such a meeting.
Eight hours --
For eight weeks thereafter the key employee and Dr. Freeman meet for an hour over the phone. The total THTM coaching process is ten hours over approximately three months. The secret of success is the saturation in leadership principles over a sustained period of time, combined with gentle accountability and the respect that is earned by both parties...
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