Dr. James A. Harrel

Advisory Board Member
  • Earned BA degree in Earth Science at California State University, Fullerton.

  • Earned MS and PhD degrees in Geology at the University of Oklahoma and the University of Cincinnati respectively.

  • He taught Geology at the University of Toledo for 30 years, retiring in 2009.

  • Dr. Harrell is now an emeritus professor at the University of Toledo.

  • This work, which began 33 years ago, has culminated in his book, "Archaeology and the Geology of Ancient Egyptian Stones".

  • He has investigated hundreds of mines and quarries that supplied ancient Egypt with the stones for its monumental structures, statuary, jewelry and more.

  • He has done extensive research throughout the Aswan Quarry. Along with other archaeologists with similar research, it has been determined that the Aswan Quarry is the only place from which the Rosetta Stone (granodiorite) could've been quarried. The original notice was in the following paper: A.P. Middleton and D.D. Klemm. 2003. The Geology of the Rosetta Stone. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, vol 89, pages 207-216.

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